I’m sure you’re familiar with this way of being in the world. You have a problem, something that feels figure out-able, so you engage in an obsessive loop with your own thoughts.
You think.
And think.
And as the thinking continues on you start to trick yourself into the illusion that there is one right answer. And that if you just stress, worry and obsess a little harder you’ll arrive at the right answer and be released from this obsessive loop your mind is caught in.
I’m here to remind you that you started the loop to begin with. You hold the keys to your own freedom. You can choose to stop trying to figure everything out. I give you permission to stop thinking about it. Some things simply can’t be resolved by thinking about it more.
Magic happens when we step outside of the duality of right and wrong… As Rumi wrote: Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.
Out beyond our own duality is a field, and in that field is where our flow is waiting for us. In that field is where we hear the exact right advice at the right time, either from a friend, a neighbor or some random person we’ll never see again at a Starbucks. The truth is a lot of the tools I work on with my clients (self care, meditation, good sleep, creative practices, exercise, even simple things like drinking more water) keeps you in the present moment. And in this moment… yup… this one we’re all in right now- we are all safe and loved.