Sometimes we need a push

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Aine Rock

Mindful Musings
follow @aine_rock

Certified high performance coach, breathwork facilitator, and podcast host. Here to support you with breathwork and meditation, high-performance coaching, and somatic embodiment & healing practices.

Hi, I'm Aine Rock

Sometimes we need a push. My mentor, Ivana Shein asked me to write about hope and then to share.  To be brave and visible in this new light. So, here are my musings on hope today.

If I let myself hope, if I softened my heart to the light, I would hope for peace. I would hope for peace on earth and peace in my own world. The kind of inner peace I find on a long walk. The stillness as I dream up words, or a peaceful afternoon on a swing in the sun.

I would hope for the quiet of my soul but also for others.

If I let myself hope, I would hope for people to love each other and be kind. I would hope for compassion. I would hope for babies taken from their mothers to be reunited and borders opened for those who would dream of freedom. If I let myself hope I would see the good in humanity, the possibility in the future, the abundance in the universe. If I let myself hope, I would soak in the sea breeze, daydreaming and weaving my words in some way that makes waves.

I hope for a long life, healthy and happy, watching my children grow up. I hope for my children to find friends who laugh with them and someone to love them fully. I hope they find a purpose that brings them joy. I hope when I’m old and they are grown, they want to come home on holidays and call me for advice.

If I let myself hope, I would hope for healing and making my wounds into my medicine.  In my hope, I find words for my own grief and language to help others across the bridge. In hope, I let myself breathe space for push weeks and pull weeks, and pull back the veil to be seen.

I would hope for love. For Mother Earth to heal her sickness and for humans to revere her strength and beauty. I would hope for each of us to look in the other’s eyes and see a window and a mirror.  We would see a way to expand our love past the limits of this body.

If I let myself hope, I would hope for all of us to breathe and feel how similar we are, just at different rhythms of the same breath. I would hope for everyone to see the beauty around them, to marvel at each sunset and sunrise, and know that our neighbors near and far are watching the very same sun cross the sky. If I let myself hope, I would hope for us to soften our bellies and laugh when we realize we are all just here for a moment.

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