From a young age, we are taught to be generous and thoughtful. We are taught to share, whether it was our crayons in kindergarten or our compassion for others. While this mindset is polite and good-hearted, it has the potential to lead us astray.
In all of those teachings, what do we ever learn about ourselves?
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am by no means discouraging you from being a kind and considerate person. I am only trying to express that you should make yourself as much of a priority as you do others. As a mother, being a rock for everyone else takes up a lot of my energy. But, it’s so very important that we do not forget to care about ourselves while also caring for others. I truly believe the only way we can be of good service to others is if we are of good service to ourselves.
With the whole family home during quarantine, privacy and “me time” have become especially scarce. I have found that my safe haven of “me time” is in the mornings and I created a personalized morning routine that allows me to focus on myself and no one else.
Although waking up early in order to make time for yourself may sound less than ideal, it has been truly life changing. I now wake up at 5am. I know it sounds crazy, but before I started doing so, I felt like I was always rushing. These early hours are the most sacred part of my day.
I start off with a cup of herbal tea and a brief meditation. I then move into my stream of consciousness journaling, where I fill three pages with my thoughts and feelings. No edits, no revisions. This has proven beyond cathartic for me. It’s as if I am taking a giant breath of fresh air and exhaling out all my stressors and worries. This morning routine provides me with the time and quiet to become grounded, calm and focused for my day filled with work, family, and potential chaos.
I have been living my life in the theme of “playing big,” which is especially relevant after my conversation with Ahyiana Angel, author of “Quit Playing Small.” We all need to stop apologizing, especially as women, for taking up space. You need to let your light shine. The world needs your light to shine.
To me, playing big means taking risks, chances, and going with your gut. If your gut is telling you you’ve been moving too fast, it’s okay to slow down. If your gut is telling you you need to need a mental health day, take it. Advocate for yourself and your needs. How can you play big if you’re not taking care of yourself first?
I encourage you to develop a morning routine of your own that puts YOU at the center of attention. I know this can be a somewhat of foreign concept for many, but it has worked wonders for me. Invest in yourself. Invest in your well-being.
In the spirit of Ahyiana’s episode, join me in my 5 Day Early Rise Challenge, where I will help you establish your new morning routine as a true routine! Through creating time for yourself, this life-changing practice will help you get aligned with your soul’s genuine purpose.
And if you want to learn more about playing big, check out my most recent podcast with Ahyiana Angel here.